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Diane Margolin From: (Diane Margolin)
Diane Margolin
Diane 'Hasn't Changed' Margolin
Diane writes:
    For almost a month now (Dec. 2001) I have been visiting this site and reliving camp days with all of you. What a well needed and enjoyable escape it has been. I have told newer friends (say, acquired in the 80's) and my children (acquired in the 90's) about how wonderful our camp experience was and they accuse me of exaggerating. You all validate my memories.
Thank you
P.S. Joy and I wrote the color war song, with some help from Edwin Levy. Sorry Stace.
Note from Steve:
    Recently Diane, Ira Presser and I met for lunch at the Double Tree Hotel in Somerset, NJ. We ate at T.K.'s for lunch and had a great time joking, kidding, and ribbing each other. Then we fought over the bill and promised ourselves that there would certainly be a next time. Perhaps we'll have a planned monthly lunch from now on so more of you can join in?

Click to see Diane in these group pictures!
Sr. Girls 71 1975 TA Girls Inter. Girls 77 1977 Staff